The BugsCEP software package consists of two main files:
- BugsCEP, software which contains the forms, queries and code that make up the
user interface
- Bugsdata, the database which contains almost all of the actual data.
The latter is a relational database built in MS Access 2000, with about
43 tables which contain the data enumerated below.
The setup program will also install a number of support files as needed,
including those necessary to run an Access database on a PC without the
full software installed (although this is becoming increasingly difficult on the latest Windows versions).
An online version is being integrated into the Strategic Environmental Archaeology Database (SEAD):, through which most of the fossil data can be accessed.
The vast majority of data has been input by Paul Buckland, including
the extensive recent database update (see below).
Current geographical scope (but all data are welcome)
Data (at time of writing - constantly increasing)
- UPDATED 14 December 2023
Species related
- 11359 Taxa (links to online images are being added)
- 7039 Synonyms
- 1003 Records of species
- 2224 UK RDB rarity
- 12167 Species attribute
records (mainly size data)
Fossil record and other sample based
- 1412 Sites
- 1588 abundance datasets/countsheets
- 220836 Fossil record entries
(which make up the countsheets)
- 12122 Recorded dates of which:
1477 radiometric; 8265 period; 2380 calendar
Climate and Ecology
- 436 MCR thermal envelopes (SCR - Species Climate Ranges)
- 39464 Ecology notes (from references)
- 43647 Distribution notes (from references)
- 9090 BugsEcoCode assignments
- 17314 Koch Ecology Code
- 9916 UK Monthly activity
- 429 Identification keys (by
Peter Skidmore)